Photo by Annie Neborak |
Packing makes me go insane. You would think I’d be a pro at this. No, I am still packing as I go out the door. Believe me, I started weeks ago.
How do you pack for six weeks with changing weather from winter to summer? How do you pack when you want to literally take your whole house with you? Of course you can’t but I try.
I am an over packer which only makes travel so much more difficult. I have to carry so many bags inside the place I stay and carry it again when I am leaving. It makes me weary just thinking about it.
I want to bring five books when it takes me at least two weeks to read one. I imagine that all the projects that I left unfinished I will do while I am on vacation. So of course I want to bring them along for the ride. I have journals to write in. books to inspire me, puzzles that have sat on the shelf for months but this seem the right time to bring them.
Shoes, oh my. What shoes should I bring? Of course I need sandals and sneakers and dressy shoes and boots and of course my slippers. Oh, I forgot, flip flops lots of flip flops. I have to bring my favorite blanket and my pillow. No pillow ever feels like your own unless it’s your own. That is a fact.
The laptop, the iPad and of course all the passwords to all the accounts. I started packing two days ago and I am still packing.
I found lists on the Internet to guide me. But the guide was too general. It listed what I needed with a place to check things off. I want specifics like you must pack six pairs of white socks so I can check it off.
So many books you read, say pack light but how do you do that.
I definitely need a coat, I definitely need a sweatshirt, make that two sweatshirts, and possibly a dress. I haven’t worn a dress since my daughter’s wedding. But some special occasion could still come up where you need a dress.
This year though I tried to scale down. I tried on lots of clothes and then I decided to bring the things that actually fit. With all that sun and vacation activity I felt I surely would be thinner right. It never happened.
Ever the optimist, those clothes will remain home tucked away in my drawers.
I tried to plan out what I will wear, what I will need and all the essentials.
I am bringing two books instead of five. The pillow and the dress stay. I am leaving the puzzle at home. Each year, I get better at this. I did forget the wine opener though.
If you are having trouble packing here is a link you can go to for some tips on how to pack lightly and efficiently.
Please if you have any tips on packing, please share them. I am sure I am not the only one overwhelmed by packing for their vacation.
Keep Styling,